Ken Young from HOK is using a similar citrix system as we have setup, and is having great success on Revit projects.
Tuesday, 29 November 2011
AU Innovation forum
Ken Young from HOK is using a similar citrix system as we have setup, and is having great success on Revit projects.
Autodesk University begins!
Here are some shots from the general session
Friday, 4 November 2011
Wind analysis in Revit
Here's Project Vasari being used to test the wind-wake of a quadcopter armature design.
There's photos and videos through the link.
Wednesday, 2 November 2011
Exciting news!
Here’s the 360+/- degree moment of the big announcement by our CEO Mike Lorenz and Jacobs’s Group VP, Tom McDuffie:
Ideate Explorer for Revit
Monday, 8 August 2011
Noteblock for tracking comments in Revit
BIM Troublemaker: Comment Tracking Using Noteblock Scheduling
Monday, 1 August 2011
AIA Philadelphia TAP Announcement
In the AIA Philadelphia Chapter newsletter that was published July 27th 2011, the AIA announced the creation of the Philadelphia TAP group. I am posting this here because Revit currently plays a major role in the technology of the AEC industry and will most likely be a consistent thread of commonality weaving through the many topics of discussion. Follow the link to read the announcement. The announcement describes the need for a Technology in Architectural Practice(TAP) discussion in Philadelphia, it's affiliation with the National TAP group and identifies it’s Groupspaces website and contact information.
The announcement also requests nominations for Advisory Board members and encourages membership by all industry professionals in the Philadelphia area. If you are in Philadelphia, join the discussion here.
Friday, 15 July 2011
Open Revit Standard
The Twittersphere and bloggersphere is igniting over the "Open Revit Standard" I was reading the Knowledgesmart blog whom we are evaluating as a resource for evaluating new hires and staff, and think that their perspective may be shared as well by others.
I would be interested to hear your thoughts, discussion, and if there’s participation from your companies?
Our 60-year old company is so far sticking firmly to it's belief that the contractor and client care deeply about our unique view titles and section marks and graphic titleblock and lineweights and symbols and so on. And they may be right, who knows. There is the aspect of professional pride in this as well. But as BIM standards go, and in terms of the National BIM standard and the success of the UK National BIM standard, an Open Standard following the form of Wikipedia in my opinion has got legs that can run and run.
It's an interesting concept and far from the proprietary environments of the past. One of the creators of this movement is Dave Fano who is a friend and colleague of mine and a is one of the geniuses behind the Design Reform site and Case Inc.
Monday, 11 July 2011
New Revit uniforms
Wednesday, 29 June 2011
Package your Revit projects in a jiffy
- Copy and detach a Revit model and associated files to a single folder for internet transmission. This removes the typical error messages when you copy central files using the operating system.
- Locate dependent files automatically and include them in the transmittal folder, reducing the possibility of error. All dependent files are automatically converted to use relative paths to ensure that the dependent files can be located by the model.
- Choose to include related dependent files such as linked Revit models, CAD files, DWF markups, decal images, and external keynote files. You can transmit any Revit (.rvt) model that has been upgraded to Revit Release 2012.
- Transmit models that are using file-based worksharing or server-based worksharing. eTransmit for Revit will also work with non-workshared Revit models.
Rendering in the Cloud - Project Neon for Revit 2012
Check out Project Neon for Revit 2012.
David Light -has a great post on this.
Natasha Luthra in my office ran a few images using our In house projects and the results were impressive. Other than a slight lag in accessing the server (apparently they are slammed with requests) the rendering itself took only a few minutes and even allowed her to add a few environment maps after the image was rendered. Best of all, she could continue to work on her project while the "Cloud" rendered her image.
According to #jvandezande this morning at about 10:30, it is currently having an issue with anyone who updated to SP1 but he says they are working on fixing it.
Saturday, 25 June 2011
Off-topic: Sand Soccer
Since I left SoCal for the East coast, a new sport has appeared on the beaches... ever heard of Sand Soccer? Me neither until todays tournament.
And now, back to the conference.
Friday, 24 June 2011
RTC 2011 day 2
There are about 300 attendees, some of which are the "rock stars" of Revit, and others who are the regulars I run into at Technology conferences.
All in all a good event.
Photo courtesy of #PhilRead
Thursday, 23 June 2011
Revit 1.0
Stratus for Revit
Carl is reviewing software for Revit, talking about Neon, Vasari, and others you may know but just mentioned one I haven't come across yet, called Stratus. It's a Structural analysis plugin that looks very practical.
Carl Bass put my "Revit on Android" on the big screen
No credit to yours truly but I'm ok with that if he buys me a beer.
RTC 2011 begins
I am at the Revit Technology Conference in Huntington Beach as it kicks off its first US event.
The Revit documentation and presentation boards from the previous Australian conferences are posted all around the halls and are darn impressive.
And now for the opening ceremonies with Wesley Bennett and Carl Bass...
Thursday, 16 June 2011
RTC 2011 - Revit Technology conference
Autodesk goes Open-source!
A 3D printed model at Autodesk's Waltham HQ |
Check out BIMapps blog for more details on the Revit STL exporter
Wednesday, 15 June 2011
Revit 2012 Viewer
The viewer allows all standard functionality of Revit but:
- You can't save or save as,
- You can't export or publish views/models *if you make any changes, but can export certain formats if no changes are made.
- You can't Print *if you make any changes, but can print if no changes are made.
- You can't edit elements in a workshared file, but you can if you open 'detached'.
When you use the viewer to open up a workshared central file, Revit viewer mode uses a read-only method to lock you out of the central file preventing any and all ownership of elements, but still allows you reload latest, and therefore, monitor changes.
What is this Revit viewer useful for?
- Reviewing models real-time, without fear of accidentally obtaining ownership of building elements
- Checking the file History
- Viewing coordination issues and running Interference checks
- Walking through models without fear of accidentally obtaining ownership of building elements
Update: The commenter is correct that the viewer is not supposed to pull a license. I talked with the Revit platform manager about it. Viewer mode is re-titled Demo mode which you may have come across when you lose a license or went beyond the trial period.
Wednesday, 1 June 2011
Handy tool to identify good keyboard shortcuts 4u
Craig Barbieri
Wednesday, 11 May 2011
Revit on Android Part II
Wednesday, 4 May 2011
Monday, 28 February 2011
Full of only the top quality advice you'd expect.
Thursday, 24 February 2011
Phasing and Revit Ceilings
Ceiling patterns in Revit are fairly straight forward and follow simple rules. You can make your own with a text file. I created two "Demo" ceiling patterns and have placed them in our Revit Standards Library. If you are interested in making your own patterns, take a look at this blog post on
If you need the 2x4 or 2x2 demo ceiling pattern, there they are.
Tuesday, 15 February 2011
Revit on Android
Details huh? Well there are actually several ways you can accomplish this and one of them I can't mention yet but suffice it to say it's my favorite. The other methods are by using remote detop of some sort, androidVNC works. the other is Citrix Xendesktop, which is essentially running a windows deskop virtually from a server. I'll post more when I can!
Craig Barbieri
Friday, 21 January 2011
BIM Apps
Is this the year of Leveraging the BIM? Now that many of us are darn good at designing and building in Revit, new tools and companies seem to popping up everywhere offering new ways of making use of the mass of information in the BIMs. This is a major focus of mine this year and a focus for which the time has come. There is much efficiency and productivity to be gained from leveraging or making use of the information in Revit models. Many aspects of our industry are effected by the switch to BIM. Contractors are becoming true partners in the building paradigm we know as IPD, providing new avenues and methods of information flow and new opportunities for tools that enhance what we do.
A new blog has started and it addresses the topic of add-on tools, now referred to as “Apps” and which generally are making use of the Revit API to perform their magic. The blog is “BIM Apps” and it’s located here.
I first came across the author, Emile Kfouri more than several years ago while I was working on a 2.1 million square-foot resort in Revit Architecture. I believe at the time he was the Revit Platform Product Manager. He’s moved on to bigger and better things at Autodesk and I wish him luck with his new blog. Join me in subscribing.
Craig Barbieri
Tuesday, 11 January 2011
Unusual things
Often I come across some unusual things here at KlingStubbins. Today it was a generic floor that was modified to represent a topo surface. This file was given to use from outside the firm and our site group is tasked with reporting on site drainage. Naturally I was asked if it was possible to show contours on a floor slab, or to convert a floor into a toposurface.
Well of course you can….and this is how…
1. Isolate the floor and export it as a dwg.
The default settings are fine, just click through OK.
2. Then Import it back in (with default settings again) and it should land in the same location.
3. Now click the Massing & Site tab and click Toposurface. Select ‘Create from import’ button and select the import, then finish. In this case, because it was a generic floor, it was totally enclosed, having a bottom as well as a top, so I deleted the points on the bottom half.
4. To show the contours on the newly created toposurface or adjust the contour settings, click the Site Settings button. In this case I had to adjust my contours to be 1”.
And that’s all there is to it.
Happy New year!