I'm entering a competition that a furniture company has put on. They specialize in plywood furniture so I have taken a sheet of plywood and bent it into itself, then locked into place with a little Japanese style joinery. It's a Japanese company. I'm using Revit 2009
The competition is located here:
Done with Windows Live Writer which I like a lot.
... I have continued to work on this bench over the weekend and made some minor changes. Being parametric and adjustable to any size made for some complications which I haven't worked out. The overall width of the bench is not difficult to make parametric. The only tricky part is repeating the pin-joints along the back as the width varies. This can be done using an array, but it's worth noting that with parametric arrays, come added computation which in turn leads to a heavy component.
The trickiest part of this component & design is varying the angle of the front and back. I need the reference lines that determine the angles to pivot around the center of the corner radii, so the nicely curved corners don't deform when the angle is adjusted. It sounds easy but I haven't gotten it to lock down.
Here is the latest image and video:
I think I have solved my little rounded corner problem with some math, two reference planes creating an origin for a reference line, and some angle parameters. This should allow my corners to flex without deforming or breaking constraints. We will see if it works in the field. stay tuned
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