A study of Hauer’s ‘Design 3’ at core.form-ula breaks down the panelization of the design into manageable pieces. It is worth a look if you are interested in the architecture. The images below are another rendition of the Hauer panels (Design 3) inspired by the information on core.form-ula. This exercise takes it a step further with more flexibility in parametric definition i.e. the panel mass and crest/trough depth is adjustable. These images are created in Revit 2009 from the same panel component family. The hardest part of these panels systems is understanding how to make them repeatable, which ends up being a combination of mirroring along different axis. Over the past month the reviewing and testing of the alpha release of Revit 2010 has been occupying much time. There may be significant changes to how one might create a panel system such as the Hauer panels. There are some exciting enhancements and the release date will provide an opportunity to share some of this with you.
On another topic…
The Co.d.ex Project link above is a cool drawing exchange project that is worth keeping tabs on. There’s not much to see yet as the project is just starting off and the first drawing is being mailed to one of the participants Monday 02/23/2009. codexproject.blogspot.com
- Craig Barbieri
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